Glossary of Terms Klaviyo

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Accepts marketing: A custom property of Shopify that is determined when a customer checks or unchecks the Accepts Marketing box during the start or completion of a payment. Klaviyo synchronizes the Accepts Marketing value if available through the Shopify integration; this value is True or False when assigned. NOTE: The Accepts Marketing property exists independently of whether someone separately subscribes to receive emails via a signup form. This means that someone could choose not to check the marketing box at checkout but then separately subscribe to your mailing list through a signup form. This person would end up on your subscriber list but would still have an Accepts Marketing property of False. The Accepts Marketing value of the property can also change each time a customer begins the checkout process.

Active on site: A metric that is tracked when a contact is active on your website; this metric is only tracked when Klaviyo Web Tracking is enabled. SEE ALSO: Web Tracking

Active Profile: A contact in your account that is emailable (for a non-emailable contact, see Suppressed). These contacts can be added to your account in various ways, including integrations and manual uploads of lists. Since these contacts are not necessarily on a specific list, it is unlikely that the number of active profiles in your account matches the number of people on your newsletter list. To see a count of the number of active profiles you have in your account, navigate to the Profiles tab. Read more.

Activity Feed: A live feed of what’s happening with your customers and website visitors, with data displayed in real-time in Klaviyo. Your Dashboard features an Activity Feed that provides you with a single source for all customer data across all metrics. Each Contact Profile also has an Activity Feed that is specific to that customer's activity.


Campaign: A single, targeted attempt to send an email; a one-time send to a pre-defined group of contacts.

Canceled Order: This event is tracked when a customer places an order in your store but then cancels it before it is fulfilled. NOTE: This statistic is only available for certain integrations.

Cart Abandonment Rate: The percentage of people who place an order on your website and then leave their shopping cart, resulting in items not being purchased. This is determined by calculating the Placed Order Count and dividing it by the Checkout Started Count.

Checkout Started: The event that triggers this metric varies depending on how data is sent to Klaviyo:

  • Shopify & Magento: This event is tracked when a customer enters their contact and shipping information on the first page of the checkout process and clicks continue.
  • BigCommerce: This event is tracked when a customer enters their contact and shipping information on the page before the payment page in the BigCommerce checkout process and clicks continue.
  • WooCommerce: This event is tracked when a customer is logged into their account, adds an item to their cart, and then views the checkout page; or when a customer adds an item to their cart, views the checkout page, and enters their billing email address.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): The process of making changes to a website to increase the rate at which visitors take the desired action (typically making a purchase).

Conversion Tracking: A conversion is defined as a recipient opening an email or clicking on it, and then taking another action within the conversion period. By default, the conversion period is five days, but this setting can be adjusted in your account settings. You do not need to decide in advance which metric will be the conversion metric; Klaviyo automatically calculates conversion analytics for all metrics.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): The historical and predictive amounts that a customer may spend. Historical CLV consists of all previous purchases, while Predicted CLV is the amount the customer is likely to spend and how many orders they may place in the coming year.

Custom Properties: Fields that you can use to collect information about the contacts in your account. Some examples include: additional information about your contacts (such as gender, size, coupon code), preferences (such as email frequency, type of content, etc.), and responses to a survey.


Dashboard: An essential element in your account that has various sub-sections:

  • E-mail Performance: Klaviyo's Email Performance Dashboard helps you analyze the conversion metrics that are most important for your business, while also visualizing how your emails perform.
  • Analytics: Metric Charts on key metrics; customizable by metric and time unit.
  • Lists & Segments: A collection of all starred lists and segments.
  • Activity Feed: A central source of all contact data for all metrics; sortable by metrics.

Deliverability:A term that refers to the placement in an inbox once an email has been delivered. This term is often confused with delivery, which indicates whether the recipient's inbox accepts the message you have sent. Only after an email has been successfully delivered does deliverability come into play.

Delivery: of Sendgrid: From Sendgrid: "A delivery is recorded when a request to send an email results in that email being delivered to the end recipient. Delivered means that the message has been accepted by the receiving server, but this does not necessarily mean that the message has reached the recipient's inbox."

Domain Name System (DNS): DNS stands for Domain Name System. This system is essentially the "phonebook of the web." When you update your DNS records, you can think of it as updating your address in the web's phonebook, making it possible to verify who you are when you send an email.


Email Capture Rate: (also known as opt-in rate) The rate at which website visitors subscribe to marketing, often via a Klaviyo Signup Form. This can be found using the following calculation: the number of new subscribers divided by the number of website visits (or the number of forms displayed).

E-mail Service Provider (ESP): A service or platform that can send commercial and transactional emails on your behalf. Klaviyo is an example of an ESP!

Event: When a customer performs an action, it is referred to as an event. Events can be used to trigger flows or to place a customer in a segment.


Flow: An automated series of emails triggered by an activity or behavior. Flows are autoresponders that can contain one or more emails and can be configured to send to contacts after a series of different tracked events have occurred.

Fulfilled Order: This event is tracked when a customer's order is marked as Fulfilled in your e-commerce store.


Hard Bounce: Occurs when an email cannot be delivered for a permanent reason. This can have various causes, including a misspelled email address. Klaviyo will automatically remove emails that hard bounce and then exclude them from future emails. You can view these emails by going to the Profiles tab, clicking on Suppressed List in the top right, and selecting Bounced Emails. SEE ALSO: Soft Bounce.


Integration: A means of automatically synchronizing user and customer data with Klaviyo from another software platform or application.

IP Address:A unique set of numbers (separated by periods) that identifies a device on the internet.

Item: A single product purchased within an e-commerce order.


List: A collection of email addresses in Klaviyo, maintained in the Lists & Segments tab, that are added via a signup form, a signup page, third-party integrations, the Klaviyo API, or manually via uploads or copy/pasting.


Merged Profile: This event is recorded in a profile after it becomes part of a profile merge. When two profiles are merged, one profile is merged into the other. The remaining single profile then tracks the Merged Profile event.


Ordered Product: This event is tracked when a customer places an order. NOTE: One Ordered Product event is tracked for each purchased item. If someone buys three items in one purchase event, one Placed Order event and three corresponding Ordered Product events are recorded.

Owned Marketing:A marketing approach where a company strategically focuses on channels it controls (including its website, email, and app, if applicable), using the data they have to build and strengthen customer relationships. The experiences created with this data are crucial for overall success. A contrasting strategy might involve relying heavily on sales through Amazon, driving purchases via Google or Facebook ads, and/or using third-party data to facilitate those marketing actions.

Owned Media: Published content created by a company on channels it manages, including its own website, app, and social media channels.

Owned Revenue: The revenue attributed to emails sent via Klaviyo. If someone engages with an email and makes a purchase within the attribution window (a predetermined number of days afterward), that purchase is attributed to the email. Klaviyo users can adjust the attribution window for their accounts.


Placed Order: This event is tracked when a customer completes the checkout process and places an order in your e-commerce store. To view the event data that Klaviyo tracks for each order, navigate to your Dashboard, click on Activity Feed, and sort by Placed Order. Click on the timestamp of an order, and a window with Event Details will appear, showing all the variables for event data. NOTE: One Placed Order event is recorded for each purchase event.

Product Feed: Blocks that automatically generate product recommendations by pulling product information from e-commerce integrations. Product Feeds can be used in flow/campaign emails via the drag-and-drop "Product Feed" block. NOTE: Product feeds are only available in the following integrations: BigCommerce, Magento, Shopify, Spree, WooCommerce.

Profile: A Klaviyo profile is a comprehensive record maintained for each contact in your Klaviyo account. This record includes a live feed of all tracked activity, as well as any available information related to a specific person. You can find the profile of any contact by searching for that person using the search bar at the top of your account.


Refunded Order: This event is tracked when a customer completes the checkout process in your store and a payment has been processed, but the customer requests a refund. NOTE: This metric is only available for certain integrations.

Return on Investment (ROI): The ratio of how much a customer spends on Klaviyo compared to how much Owned Revenue (see above) they generate. For example, if they pay $1,000 per month and generate $35,000 in Owned Revenue, their ROI is 35x. 

Revenue per Recipient (RPR): A calculation that measures the success of a campaign or flow. The calculation is the revenue from a campaign or flow divided by the number of recipients in that campaign or flow.


Segment: A collection of email addresses in Klaviyo, maintained in the Lists & Segments tab, determined by a set of conditions, such as everyone who has ever made a purchase, everyone who visited the website last week, or everyone who opened a specific email, etc. Instead of a fixed list of people, a segment will grow as new individuals meet the conditions and shrink as people no longer meet the criteria.

Shopify Tags: All custom tags assigned to a customer in Shopify (e.g., wholesale or VIP) that are passed to Klaviyo via our Shopify integration.

Smart Sending: When Smart Sending is enabled, Klaviyo automatically checks whether a recipient has received an email from you within a certain period. If this person has recently received an email, the current email will be skipped for them. This is a good way to prevent contacts from receiving too many emails when you have many active email marketing efforts running. You can enable or disable Smart Sending for emails sent by both campagnes and flows.

Social Links: A block in Klaviyo’s email Drag-and-Drop editor that allows you to include links to your social platforms in your emails. You can add up to four links, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. In Klaviyo's Setup Wizard, you can set up these four links to automatically appear in the footer of all email templates.

Soft Bounce: A soft bounce is always caused by a temporary reason, such as a full inbox or the recipient's email server temporarily being down. For soft bounces, Klaviyo will attempt to send emails for up to 48 hours. After the 48-hour period, attempts to send will stop, but the recipient will not be automatically suppressed in your account. The next time you try to send to this person, we will attempt again for another 48 hours. SEE ALSO: Hard Bounce.

Subscribed to List: A Subscribed to List event is recorded when a contact subscribes directly to a Klaviyo list via a Klaviyo form. If someone is added to a subscriber list in another way, such as clicking on Accepts Marketing at checkout or being added manually, no Subscribed to List event is recorded.

Suppressed: The status of a contact once they have unsubscribed from an email, a hard bounce occurs, or they have been manually added to the Suppression List. Once someone is suppressed, they are considered inactive in your account. Klaviyo will automatically remove all suppressed users from any flow or campaign that is sent. Check the Suppression List of your account.


Transactional Email: An email sent as part of the purchase process; for example, an order confirmation email or an email that the order has been shipped.


Unique Visitors: Also known as "unique website visitors" or "uniques," this refers to the number of different people who have taken an action. A business might have 10,000 total website visits in a week but 3,500 unique visitors during that time, as many returned more than once.

UTM Parameters: Identifying text added to a URL that helps with attribution later. When you create a campaign or flow, you can have Klaviyo automatically add UTM tracking parameters to links so you can see the results in Google Analytics. (The name UTM comes from the Urchin Tracking Model; Urchin was acquired by Google in 2005 and became Google Analytics.)


Web Tracking: By adding specific code to your website, you can automatically track visitors and their activities; this is called Web Tracking. You can enable Web Tracking in Klaviyo's Setup Wizard, or you can set it up at any time via the Getting Started tab. There are two main types of tracking: homepage tracking (with the Active on Site metric) and product page tracking (with the Viewed Product metric).

NOTE: Instructions for setting up Web Tracking are specific to your particular website/store. Product page tracking is currently not available for all e-commerce platforms.

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