How to use urgency to increase conversions


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Why Urgency?

Every day, your potential customers are bombarded with hundreds of ads. Not just on the radio, during their commute, or on social media, but also in their inbox, where they receive daily advertisements from competitors all vying for a sliver of attention. How do you make sure your brand stands out? One way to do this is by adding urgency.

Urgency is not just a marketing trick; it's a psychological principle. When people believe they might miss out on something valuable, they’re more likely to take action.

Unlike other forms of marketing, such as social media, an email stays in the recipient’s inbox until it’s read or deleted. By adding urgency, you can increase the chances that the recipient will take action.

In this blog, we’ll dive deeper into the psychological art of urgency and how you can apply it in email marketing.

What is urgency in marketing again?

Urgency is a term often thrown around in the marketing world. But what does it really mean? And why is it so powerful in marketing?

“Urgency comes from the Latin urgere, which means 'press, or drive,' and it's related to the English word urge.”

In essence, urgency refers to the feeling that something requires immediate attention or action. Think about a time when you heard an alarm—you instantly focused your attention and wanted to take action. This is the psychological response that urgency in email marketing aims to evoke.

In the context of email marketing, urgency often manifests as a time-limited offer or a product that's nearly sold out. This creates scarcity or a time constraint, leading to a sense of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

This feeling of FOMO is deeply rooted in human psychology. We naturally want to avoid loss, and this urge is heightened when faced with a limited opportunity. Marketers can tap into this instinct to encourage consumers to act more quickly.

Be careful not to overuse or misuse urgency in your emails, though. Overdoing it can diminish its effectiveness and may even have a negative impact.

In the following sections, we’ll explore how to apply urgency with concrete tips and strategies.

Urgency in Email Marketing

Many emails go unread or are deleted right away. But by using urgency, you can ensure that your emails are opened. Urgency grabs attention, helping your email stand out among the rest. For example, take a look at these subject lines:

Example of Neil Patel

People often respond immediately when something seems urgent. If an email, for instance, mentions that an offer is about to expire or that a product is almost sold out, we are triggered by the fear of missing out (FOMO). This prompts us to take action right away, ensuring that we don’t miss out on something valuable.

By incorporating urgency into your email, you encourage the reader to act immediately. This could be buying a product, signing up for a webinar, or participating in a survey. The message is clear: Act now before it’s too late! Such an urgent message prevents the reader from delaying, encouraging quick decisions. This can increase the likelihood that the reader actually does something, as there’s less time for hesitation or distraction.

This approach works well in email marketing because it taps into how people naturally respond. It leverages our fear of missed opportunities and prompts immediate action. When used genuinely and appropriately, urgency can significantly boost the engagement and effectiveness of your email campaigns.

4 Tips and Examples for Integrating Urgency into Your Email Campaigns

Tip 1: Use Time-Bound Offers

Time-bound offers are a great way to create a sense of urgency. By offering a discount or special deal that’s only available for a limited time, you encourage readers to act quickly. Examples of effective time-sensitive statements include:


However, if readers notice that your so-called ‘limited-time’ offers return regularly, it can reduce the impact and credibility of your urgency messages.

Tip 2: Emphasize Limited Availability

By highlighting the limited stock or availability of a product or service, you can stir up your readers' FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).


Again, be honest. If customers find out that you’re artificially lowering stock levels to create urgency, it can damage their trust. Plus, this practice is not allowed.

Tip 3: Countdown Timers in Emails

A visual countdown timer can amplify the urgency in your email. It’s a direct and effective reminder of the limited time remaining to take advantage of an offer. These timers are often interactive and can update in real-time, making the email more dynamic and engaging.

countdown timer example

Tip 4: Strong Call-to-Actions (CTAs) That Drive Action

The CTA is a crucial point where your reader decides whether to take action or not. It’s essential that your CTAs are short, sharp, and compelling, like this example:


Combine a sense of urgency with a clear instruction.

Pitfalls to Avoid …

Urgency is powerful, but it must be used thoughtfully and carefully. Here are some potential pitfalls to be aware of:

  • Overusing urgency: Constantly creating a sense of urgency can lead to what we call ‘urgency fatigue.’ If every email you send conveys a sense of urgency, your subscribers may become less receptive to your messages and even start ignoring them.
  • Lack of authenticity: If you claim that an offer is only available for 24 hours, make sure it actually ends after that time. Breaking such promises can harm your credibility and reduce trust among your subscribers.
  • Poor timing: Sending urgency-focused emails at inappropriate times can be counterproductive. For example, emails sent in the middle of the night may be perceived as spam or intrusive.
  • Overly aggressive language: While you want your readers to take action, you don’t want to pressure them or make your messages seem manipulative. It's important to strike the right balance in your language.
  • Unclear call-to-action: Even with a strong sense of urgency, it’s essential to make it clear what you want your readers to do. Ensure that your CTAs are obvious and easy to follow, with clear and direct buttons or links.

By considering these potential pitfalls, you can ensure that your use of urgency is respectful to your audience and effective for your campaign.


Urgency is powerful in email marketing because it plays on our instinct to respond when we think we might miss out on something valuable.

However, it’s important to remain authentic and sincere. Exaggerating or creating false urgency can make your audience skeptical and diminish the value of future emails.

Next Steps After Applying Urgency:

  • Evaluate your current email strategy: Look at where and when urgency fits naturally.
  • Test and measure: As with any marketing strategy, measure its effectiveness. Conduct A/B tests with and without urgency to see the difference in conversions.
  • Be authentic: If you say an offer ends in 48 hours, make sure it does.
  • Stay up to date: Marketing trends, including email marketing, are constantly evolving. Keep up with the latest techniques and changes in the field.

In the end, integrating urgency into your emails is an art. It requires a blend of understanding your audience, knowledge of your products or services, and most importantly, a commitment to honesty and transparency. With this approach, urgency can help you significantly boost the impact of your email campaigns and create a deeper connection with your readers.

Do you have any questions after reading this article on how to generate more traffic with emails? Get in touch for further advice!

Polaris Growth

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