Creating Signup Forms in Klaviyo

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With signup forms, you can grow your list and collect relevant data from your subscribers. This article covers the key principles you should follow when designing a signup form. To illustrate these principles, we’ll showcase three examples of signup forms that you can create in your Klaviyo account. Finally, we’ll discuss the key metrics you need to measure your success.

The Three Principles of a Successful Form


By following these three principles, you can design a successful signup form:

Keep Your Style Simple

When you try to pack too many elements, colors, or details into one form, it distracts from the main purpose of the form. This makes it harder for your customers. Keep it simple and make it as easy as possible for your customers to understand and fill out your forms.

Design for the Overall Experience

Often, you get stuck in the search for the perfect color or layout. Successful signup forms are about more than just the form itself. Consider the experience of your customer before, during, and after they encounter the form when designing your next one.

Collect the Right Data

Most signup forms ask for an email address. Once you're highly targeted with Klaviyo signup forms, you can easily ask for more information. Knowing when to ask for additional information and what to ask helps ensure you don't overwhelm customers with too many questions. This way, you avoid scaring them off with data requests, so they are more likely to provide it when filling out your forms.

The rest of this guide will delve into concrete examples of signup forms that showcase each of these principles in action. Along the way, we will also discuss how you can develop these forms in your own account.

Improving a Simple Pop-up to Acquire More Subscribers

What makes some pop-up forms successful while others are annoying? Here is a standard pop-up form:


Does This Form Meet the Three Principles Mentioned Above?

  1. Keep Your Style Simple:
    The design of the form is simple, but nothing in the text or color scheme connects this form to any specific company. A lack of branding can make the form feel generic and uninviting.
  2. Design for the Overall Experience:
    It’s hard to determine the complete experience just by looking at the form alone, but the "Behaviors" tab in Klaviyo gives us some clues. This form is set to display to everyone without delay on every page, which may lead to it being perceived as intrusive. There wasn't much emphasis on personalization, which could improve the overall user experience.
  3. Collect the Right Data:
    This form only asks for your email address. In the case of a homepage pop-up, this is generally all you want to request. Unless there's a specific reason to collect more data in your signup form (for example, to tailor your welcome series), there's no need to ask for anything other than an email address.

In summary, while the form has a simple design and appropriately asks for minimal data, it lacks branding and personalization, which are essential for creating a more engaging overall experience.


How to Build This Form

This form starts with Klaviyo's standard pop-up. We stick to the default size, alignment, and background color, but keep these options in mind in case another selection better matches your brand's design.

1. Add an Image: Start with a larger image, about 600px wide, and then resize it down to 400px. We want the image to match the overall size of the form, and starting with a larger image ensures we don't compromise quality by trying to upscale a smaller one.


2. Adjust Button Color:Change the color of the button to match the button colors on the Klaviyo site.


3. Content Addition: With the layout of this form finalized, we can now add the content. Just like in the video, we should tailor the text to meet customer expectations.

4. Set Up Behavior Tab: Use the following settings on the Behaviors tab:

  • Loading Delay - 3 seconds:
    We don’t want to show this form immediately when someone lands on the page, but we also don’t want to wait too long. We’ll test a loading delay of 3 seconds and monitor how the form performs over a few weeks. If we’re not getting enough views, we can shorten the delay. If we’re getting views but not enough submissions, we can increase the delay to give customers more time to browse before prompting them to sign up.
  • Display Frequency - Don’t show again after form submission:
    Once someone submits our form (or chooses to close it), we don’t need to show it again. Constantly displaying your form to browsers who have already seen it is like a salesperson not letting you leave when you're in a store.
  • Targeting - Don’t show to existing Klaviyo profiles:
    The goal of this form is to recruit new subscribers, so it’s unnecessary to show it to our existing customers.


A welcome pop-up like this is a perfect first step towards your welcome series. Check out Klaviyo’s Guide on Creating a Welcome Series for more information on how to create a great experience for your customers after they sign up through the form.

Flyout for First-Time Buyers

Now that we've gained some new customers, there are a few additional ways we can send messages to our customers using forms during their journey with our brand.

For this example, we're going to use a flyout (a type of popup) to collect preference information. A flyout is less intrusive since it doesn't cover the entire screen. We’re targeting this form at anyone who has already made a purchase so we don't annoy the wrong group of customers with this form.


How does this flyout form measure up against the 3 principles of a successful form?

  1. Design is Simple and Matches Our Brand:
    We kept it straightforward by starting with one of our existing forms and only making the necessary adjustments.
  2. Experience Focused on a Specific Step in the Customer's Journey:
    This flyout is designed to cater to the group it targets. The flyout format is noticeable but less intrusive, asking only for preference data from customers who have already made a purchase.
  3. We Ask for Data That Strengthens Our Relationship:
    Asking for preference data when customers first sign up can deter someone who may not want to fill out a long form. By waiting until customers have completed their first purchase, we can focus on customers who have shown a certain level of engagement by making a purchase. The next step is to follow up with content that aligns with their selected preferences. We can do this by creating segments of our customers based on their preference information and sending targeted campaigns to those segments.

Now we’re using a well-targeted and subtle flyout form to gather valuable preference information about our customers.What More Can We Do with Forms?

How to Build This Form

This form starts by cloning our pop-up form to fit our existing styles and benefit from the work we've already done. You can just as easily start by creating a new form and using Klaviyo's standard flyout.

Change the Form Type on the Styles Tab:
We will use the flyout position in the bottom right corner since we want to be noticed but not get in the way. Feel free to experiment with other positions. Monitor your form's engagement rate to see if changing your flyout position leads to a higher percentage of interactions.


In terms of content, we’ve hardly changed anything from the pop-up we built in the first example. This shows how easy it is to create a new form experience. On the other hand, you might want to make some adjustments to the content of new forms you create.

For this flyout, a simple idea would be to use an image that reflects the type of data you’re collecting. In the example below, we replaced our original photo with an image featuring a variety of coffee types and colors.


To gather data on coffee roasting preferences, we need some checkboxes. Checkboxes allow our customers to select multiple roasting preferences, but you can collect many different types of data with Klaviyo forms. Here’s an example of a form that includes all the different fields you can ask for: checkboxes, dropdowns, radio buttons, text boxes, and dates. Choose the field that works best for the data you want to collect.


As a final step, we’ve set up our targeting and pre-filled the email field. We can take this example a step further. Since we already know the customers we’re targeting because they’ve made a purchase and have thus been added to our Klaviyo account, we can remove the email field entirely, making it even easier for our customers to quickly understand and fill out our form.


Customers who see this form are already in our Klaviyo account. For every customer who proceeds and submits, their coffee roasting preferences data will be added to their profile.

Targeting Facebook Ad Traffic

Facebook ads provide the tools to reach highly specific groups of customers. With Klaviyo signup forms and URL targeting, you can continue to customize the journey after customers click on one of your Facebook ads and arrive at your website.

This video demonstrates how to set up a pop-up that only appears for customers who come to your website via Facebook ads.


Facebook is just one example of how URL targeting can be used to enhance specific customer journeys. Another example: you might be running a campaign on Google Ads. Similar to the Facebook example, you can add a special UTM parameter (a snippet of code that makes the URL measurable and recognizable for Klaviyo) at the end of the URLs in your ads and target customers who click through from Google Ads.

How to Build This Form

This is the simplest form we are building. We are linking it to a larger marketing effort, so the actual form doesn’t need to do much.

Start on Facebook by adding a UTM parameter to the end of any URLs in your ad. When customers click on the ad, they will be directed to your site, but the UTM parameter helps us identify that they came from Facebook. Make sure to use a unique UTM parameter; otherwise, the form may display on other pages where you don’t expect it to.


Next, configure the form to only display on URLs that contain our UTM parameter. URL targeting is very powerful, and you can use this method to direct forms to specific pages or sets of pages.


For the form content, we’ll add our static code. When displaying static coupon codes in your signup forms, you can show the code in the main form or in the success message. Typically, you want to display the code in the success message, as you generally want to ensure someone fills out the form before they receive the discount code.


The final step is to remove everything we don’t need. For our button, we’ll change the text and update the behavior so that the form closes when this button is clicked.


Now this form is ready for use. It will only be displayed to customers who come to our site via our Facebook campaign, and it shows the static discount code that we promised in our ads.

Measuring Success

How do you know if the forms are successful? Klaviyo provides a standard dashboard view that displays all your form data, as well as the ability to customize the dashboard to meet your needs.


For e-commerce shops, the average engagement rate for a signup form is just 1.8%, but successful forms can see ratios of 6-10%. What can you do to achieve numbers like these? Here are some key metrics and how to evaluate them.

Form Views

When evaluating form views, it’s important to consider the target audience of the form. If you display your form on every page of your website, the form views will be similar to the overall website traffic. As you become more targeted with your forms, make sure to compare the form views with the traffic for those specific page(s) where the form is displayed. For example, if you’re running a special promotion and displaying the form only on a specific page, you want to compare your form views with the traffic for that page alone.

Form Engagement

When evaluating your form engagement, consider both the content and how customers discover the form.

Start by assessing whether your form is receiving enough views. There’s no standard answer with a concrete number or percentage, but your form should be shown to customers who meet the other criteria for your form’s targeting.

Next, test the form itself. Put yourself in your customers' shoes and ensure that all the expectations you set when customers click on your ads or discover your website are met with the content of your form.

The key takeaway when evaluating the performance of the signup form is to look for small improvements and test new ideas. Your forms are a barrier for new customers, so ensure that your forms are easy to use, highly targeted, and asking for the right data.

Now you have all the tools you need to create an excellent signup form experience.

To wrap things up, we have compiled a list of additional resources so you can continue learning. Be sure to check them out and remember to keep experimenting, iterating, and optimizing.

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